Our Response To COVID – 19

After much deliberation, the elders have agreed to cancel Sunday meeting and Wednesday cell group for this week. Further details will follow.

There is much background to this decision which we will layout in more detail below.

To be clear and transparent, there is a range of opinion among us as elders on how to respond to the current public health concern. These range from proper handwashing and staying home when sick, to cancelling all meetings indefinitely. There has been loving and friendly discussion between us and an agreement to take this intial action and review it through the week. We ask that all brethren, even if you disagree strongly with this decision, support us as we seek to do our best to care for the church, being accountable to the Lord, to you, and to the general poplulation. This decision has not been made lightly.

The Ontario Chief Medical Officer has requested of the public that all meetings larger than 250 people be cancelled or postponed. He gave further directions that indicate that our cell group meetings should also be cancelled. Brethren are asked to refrain from creating their own small meetings. We are asking for one week of keeping at home, having prayer and fellowship with our families, to give us further time to seek how best to guide the congregation at this time.

Single people are much on our minds, and we will be reaching out directly and personally to each of the single people in the church to see how we can best encourage them and ensure that they are not left to themselves in isolation.

With respect to COVID – 19, we are not afraid of the virus, nor of death itself. However, despite the panic in some of the population, and any role the media are playing in contributing to that, the health officials have been very restrained and are, if anything, under reacting to the situation. Current knowledge suggests that the virus itself is not any more dangerous than anything currently in the community, and most of us will probably come to no harm. What is of concern to health officials is the rapidity of transmission and the possible overwhelming of the health care system by having so many people at once needing medical attention. A situation like that may lead to many deaths caused by other issues like stroke, heart attack, accidents, and so on, simply because the hospitals are tied up caring for too many people in critical condition. That is what seems to have happened in Italy, and many European countries appear to be heading in the same direction.

Speaking of Italy, two weeks ago, they reported 17 total deaths as a result of the virus. Seven days later that number was 148. A week later that number was 1016. Currently, more people than that remain in critical condition. Their medical system is overwhelmed. Italy may have got to that place by failing to take in a timely manner the actions now recommended by our Health officials.

We ask also that brethren heed the direction of the health officials and practice social distancing. As much as possible, keep two metres away from others and don’t greet with a kiss or handshake. This is a time to refrain from embracing.

Whatever our opinions on the situation, we believe that it behooves us as Christians to cooperate with our public health leaders as they try to do their best for the citizens they serve. The panic in the greater population is unfortunate, but it gives us an opportunity to be ready always to give an account of the hope within is, with meekness and fear, holding forth the Word of Life to those in darkness without hope and without God in the world.

If you have further questions, please contact Henry or Martin. All elders remain accessible for ministering to needs within the congregation.

Shine, brethren. Let Jesus shine through you. And may His grace be with you and through you to all others, now and always.