The Christian Response to Conspiracy Theories

Greetings brethren,
We have limited this statement to the website (i.e., no call line) because we don’t want an excessive number of call lines, but we do need to address what may be a matter of concern among us.
Circulating in our midst are ideas concerning the current coronavirus pandemic that are commonly characterized as conspiracy theories. The term itself is a rhetorical device that has been employed to put any idea harmful to the reputation of leaders beyond the reach of anyone that wants to be taken seriously intellectually. Of course there are conspiracies. History is full of them, and the Bible lists examples and warnings (e.g., 2 Samuel 15:12; Prov 11:21). People that are inherently distrustful of authorities tend to speculate and conclude that the official story is untrue, while those that are more trusting accept the reports as given.
Naturally, there are many different analyses of what actually lead to major events (e.g., terrorist attacks, pandemics, and other emergencies), but they can usually be sorted into two categories based on trust or distrust of the establishment. Unsurprisingly, speculations vary widely as to their plausibility, some being beyond absurd; and this conveniently puts all speculations of government or official dishonesty into the category of loony.
We are aware that there is a bio-lab in Wuhan, that the Chinese authorities suppressed information concerning the virus (the virus itself is called SARS-CoV-2; the disease caused by the virus is referred to as COVID-19), and that the negligent response of WHO leaders and governments across the world ensured that the virus would spread. We are also aware that key players from around the world were gathered together last October to discuss what should be done in the event of an outbreak such as this one, the hypothetical events of that case study being uncannily similar to what we are facing now. It was referred to as Event 201 and is publicly available on the internet, openly produced by the World Economic Forum, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and John Hopkins Center for Health Security.
However, none of that is proof of this being a deliberate human action; and there is really no way for any of us to confidently know what has led to this pandemic: we just don’t have access to all the information, and we never will. Those on the internet that claim to know are simply declaring their conclusions as fact, but there is no way to determine that they are facts. It’s all speculation. Of course, tyrants have imposed calamities upon their populations for their own ends before. It has been long agreed by many academics that Nero burned Rome to advance his own purposes and blamed it on the Christians (though some now challenge that assertion). Nazis are believed to have burned the Reichstag, blamed the Communists, and waged war. Stalin. Lenin. Etc. It has happened before, and there is no reason to think that it doesn’t happen now.
The reality is, however, that we have no way of knowing what actually happened; and in any case, it doesn’t change the facts on the ground. People are dying and the virus is spreading. People who think this is all fake should investigate further. The dying in Italy and Spain (some of us have friends or relatives in both countries) are not crisis actors. However this started, this is real. How far it will go is unknown to us at this time.
Therefore, we intreat brethren to stop distracting themselves with speculations, act responsibly, and seek to glorify God in all they say and do. Now is not a time to be confident or smug that we know what is really going on; now is not a time to be alarmed that the world governments are working to a plan to do what many believe the Bible predicts; now is a time to walk by faith, to show humility, love and compassion, to hold forth the word of life, with meekness and fear, to those who are panicked and to those who scoff, whenever such opportunities arise. Let us, now and always, follow and magnify the Lord Jesus.